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grammatical number - "Do's" and "don'ts" or "do's" and "don't's ...
dos and don’ts threes and fours thank-yous maybes yeses and nos […] 7.30 Contractions. In contractions, an apostrophe normally replaces omitted letters. Some contractions, such as won’t or ain’t, are formed irregularly. Colloquialisms such as gonna or wanna take no apostrophe (there being no obvious place for one).
Where does the phrase "fair do's/dues/doos/does" come from?
The other quotations use these spellings: Fair do's, fair do's, fair dos, Fair do, fair do's. The first of these is from 1941: 1941 L. A. G. Strong Bay 168 Come on, Doctor. Fair do's. The spellings are usually a variation of the noun do (under which the phrase is listed in the OED), because a do is something done, a dealing or treatment.
如何在DOS显示所有盘符 - 百度知道
在dos中显示所有盘符,可以通过以下几种方法实现: 1. **直接盘符切换尝试**: - 可以在dos命令提示符下,依次输入a:、b:、c:、d:等盘符后回车,系统会尝试切换到对应的盘符。如果盘符存在且可访问,则会显示该盘符的根目录内容。
"Todo list" or "to-do list" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
to-do (plural to-dos)... 2. A task that has been noted as one that must be completed, especially on a list. My to-do list has been growing longer every day. And: Noun todo (plural todos) (US) A task yet to be done; an item on a to-do list. You can use whichever you want, but be consistent.
Origin of going "number 1" or "number 2" in the bathroom
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Where does the period go when using parentheses?
Where should the period go when using parentheses? For example: In sentence one, I use this example (which has a parenthesis at the end.) Should the period be inside, or outside of the parenthe...
In what English-speaking communities does "trump" refer to the breaking ...
In the U.S. there's a clearly related though gentler expression: "to toot." Mothers generally prefer children to say "toot" rather than "fart," as you can see on this Circle of Moms Question and answer page.
Origin of "deez nuts" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
"Deez Nuts" may be ultimately derived from Dr. Dre's album, Chronic, or merely juvenile silliness. But in 2015, the expression was popularized, or repopularized, by a viral meme created by Instagram user WelvendaGreat.
The whys and the hows - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Here are the dos and don’ts of blogging. I’ve written 25 thank-yous. BUT. I’m tired of all his maybe ...
How and when did "bash" and "do" come to mean party?
Christmas ‘dos’ are especially important and a variety of conventions prevail, depending on the numbers in the family. The People of Ship Street (1958) By Madeline Kerr. The OED cites this example. a 1824 J. BRIGGS Remains (1825) 243 Such individuals should have their feast (or do, as it is called).
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