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Duvel Clone Recipe - Home Brew Answers
Duvel In The Details. The Duvel Moortgat Brewery was established in 1871 by Jan-Leonard Moortgat. The breweries flagship beer became Duvel after a beer brewed in the 1920’s to commemorate the end of WW1 was brewed called Victory Ale. The 8.5% ABV of the beer earned the beer the nickname of Devil and so the beer became known as Duvel.
Belgian Golden Strong Ale Archives - Home Brew Answers
If there was ever a beer that was synonymous with a beer style then Duvel is it. As soon as you think of a Belgian golden strong ale, Duvel is the first beer you think of. Duvel has a very simple recipe using just Pilsner malt, sugar and Bohemian hops. Combined with the Duvel yeast strain and really unique and precise beer is the outcome.
Beginners Guide To Home Brewing Belgian Beers - Home Brew Answers
Commercial Examples: Duvel, La Chouffe, Delirium Tremens. Trappist & Abbey Beers. Trappist beers are produced by Cistercian monks and to be called a Trappist beer it has to be produced in one of the 7 Trappist abbeys that produce beer (6 of which are in Belgium).
Westvleteren 12 XII Clone Beer Recipe - Home Brew Answers
Westvleteren brewery is the smallest of the 6 Trappist breweries and began brewing in 1839 in the St Sixtus Abbey at Westvleteren. The brewery runs to support the monastery on a strictly non-commercial basis which means the beers produced by Westvleteren are very difficult to obtain. Wesvleteren produce 3 beers: Westvleteren Blonde at 5.8% Westvleteren 8 at 8% Westvleteren 12 at 10.8% ...
Chocolate Malt – Brewing With Chocolate Malt - Home Brew Answers
The name chocolate malt gives away a few clues about this dark highly kilned malt. Chocolate malt is a classic choice of malt for getting the colour and flavour that we want in porters although is it the best malt to get a chocolate tasting beer. In this article, we will take a look at […]
Clone Beer Recipes Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Home Brew Answers
Duvel has a very simple recipe using just Pilsner malt, sugar and Bohemian hops. Combined with the Duvel yeast strain and really unique and precise beer is the outcome. Duvel is one of the first beers I tried to clone and it is not easy to replicate even with the simple ingredients.
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Clone Beer Recipes - Home Brew Answers
The clone beer recipes listed here are compiled from various sources online and offline. I have included the sources in each individual beer recipe, of course, the challenge is replicating things yourself so tweak until you get things just perfect. The beer recipes each include a beer .XML file that can be downloaded and imported […]
Yeast - Home Brew Answers
Strain Lab Product Name Fermentation Temp Range (°F) Apparant Attenuation Range (%) Flocculation Pitching/Fermentation notes Notes WY1007 Wyeast German Ale 55-68 73-77 Low A true top cropping yeast with low ester formation. Fermentation at higher temperatures may produce mild fruitiness. Beers mature rapidly, even when cold fermentation is used. Low or no detectable diacetyl. Traditional […]
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Guides. Everything You Need To Know; Making A Beer Kit; Brewing With Extract, Grains, Hops and Yeast; All Grain Brewing
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