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Shroomery - Which psilocybin mushrooms grow wild in my area?
Pluteus nigrolineatus ()Psilocybe aztecorum Psilocybe banderillensis Psilocybe caerulescens Psilocybe caerulipes (Veracruz, Hidalgo)
What are magic numbers and why do some consider them bad?
A magic number can also be a number with special, hardcoded semantics. For example, I once saw a system where record IDs > 0 were treated normally, 0 itself was "new record", -1 was "this is the root" and -99 was "this was created in the root". 0 and -99 would cause the WebService to supply a new ID.
Shroomery - Magic Mushrooms (Shrooms) Demystified
We help spread accurate information about magic mushrooms so people can make informed decisions about what they put in their bodies. You can learn about the effects of shrooms and read trip reports , find out how to grow mushrooms and get mushroom recipes , browse through the gallery and hang out on our message board , or check out the site map ...
Brand New Magic Mushroom Species Suggests Shrooms Reached America On ...
Quote: Magic mushrooms may have left Africa alongside an extinct human lineage 1.5 million years ago. P. ochraceocentrata is just the seventh magic mushroom species found in Africa. Mycologists in southern Africa have discovered the closest wild relative of domesticated magic mushrooms, revealing new insights into the genetic history of ...
how fast does it take to get a tolerance to magic mushrooms? - The ...
Higher doses develop tolerance faster. I take 400mg of cubes on mon Wed Fri as a pre-workout and can't tell that it makes for much tolerance.
Shroomery - The Magic Mushrooms Grower's Guide
A reservoir for moisture can be built into the cake while packing the jars with substrate material. Start with an empty jar and tamp 1/4 inch of substrate material in the bottom. Next, position a magic marker or some other object with a cylindrical shape and a diameter of about 3/4 inch in the center of the jar. Fill the jar as normal.
python - How to run IPython magic from a script - Stack Overflow
Also see ipython.run_cell_magic and Cell magics. run_cell_magic(magic_name, line, cell) method of ipykernel.zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell instance Execute the given cell magic. Parameters ----- magic_name : str Name of the desired magic function, without '%' prefix.
Shroomery - Growing Mushrooms
Learn how to grow magic mushrooms, gourmet mushrooms, and medicinal mushrooms easily and cheaply at home.
python - Purpose of "%matplotlib inline" - Stack Overflow
%matplotlib is a magic command which performs the necessary behind-the-scenes setup for IPython to work correctly hand-in-hand with matplotlib; it does not execute any Python import commands, that is, no names are added to the namespace. Display output in separate window %matplotlib Display output inline
How to send a Wake-on-LAN magic packet using PowerShell?
Here is the working PowerShell one-liner I am using to send a WakeOnLan packet: '01-23-45-67-89-AB' | Set-Variable 'mac'; [System.Net.NetworkInformation ...
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FIREMEN, EMS, EMT, Emergency
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Rescue, Underwater, INTERNs
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Cops, Officers, Security
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INTERNs, Trainees
Mainframe IT Jobs:
Systems Programmer, Programmers
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Web, Linux, C++, Java, INTERNs
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Accounting, INTERNS, Brokers, Invest
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Doctors, INTERNs, Nurses, ER
LPNs, RNs, Critical Care
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Genetic, Science Jobs
Genetics, Research,
INTERNs, Labwork
Scientific Jobs, Gene Research
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