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St. Pauli Girl | St. Pauli Brauerei C.L. Wilh. Brandt Gmbh & Co.
St. Pauli Girl is a European Pale Lager style beer brewed by St. Pauli Brauerei C.L. Wilh. Brandt Gmbh & Co. in Bremen, Germany. Score: 67 with 1,257 ratings and reviews. Last update: 01-12-2025.
St. Pauli Girl Special Dark | St. Pauli Brauerei C.L. Wilh. Brandt Gmbh ...
St. Pauli Girl Special Dark is a European Dark Lager style beer brewed by St. Pauli Brauerei C.L. Wilh. Brandt Gmbh & Co. in Bremen, Germany. Score: 71 with 422 ratings and reviews. Last update: 01-13-2025.
St. Pauli Girl Special Dark? Or similar? - BeerAdvocate
The St. Pauli Girl brand (created as an export-only beer primarily for the US market back in the 60's) was always brewed at the Beck's brewery in Bremen (and was generally thought to essentially be the same basic beer) but was imported by a different company than Beck's.
Do they still make St. Pauli Girl? | Community | BeerAdvocate
I live in western WA and I can't find it anywhere anymore. I've been to all the local grocery stores, Total Wine and Bevmo and no St. Pauli Girl on the shelves. I haven't had it in years and wanted to try it again. I never realized it isn't really around anymore.
St Pauli Girl brewed in USA | Community | BeerAdvocate
As to imports back in the hey-day of Miller Lowenbrau, we used to see a lot around Chicago (including the subjest St. Pauli and DAB). In the late 70s and early 80s my friend and I could find Lowenbrau imported from Switzerland and we found it distinctively different than Miller's.
St. Pauli N. A. | St. Pauli Brauerei C.L. Wilh. Brandt Gmbh & Co.
St. Pauli N. A. is a Low-Alcohol Beer style beer brewed by St. Pauli Brauerei C.L. Wilh. Brandt Gmbh & Co. in Bremen, Germany. Score: 59 with 187 ratings and reviews. Last update: 01-11-2025.
A new "BEST SELLING GERMAN IMPORT" in the US - BeerAdvocate
Also, for a long time St. Pauli Girl was primarily brewed for export only, for the US and a few other countries, mostly in the Caribbean. (For those keeping track, Beck's only became the #1 US German import in the late 1970s, when Miller started brewing Lowenbrau under license for the US market).
German Beer available in America | Community - BeerAdvocate
The St. Pauli Girl brand was created back in the 1960's and was first imported to the US by a big drug and spirits company called McKesson & Robbins Inc (later just McKesson) - it had nothing to do with Anheuser-Busch at the time.
St Pauli Girl brewed in USA | Page 2 | Community - BeerAdvocate
The original version of domestic Tuborg US-brewed from Carling, circa early 1970s, was said to be 50/50 mix of US-grown 2-row and 6-row malt (they claimed to use more 2-row than any other US brewery but one - obviously AB) and all Imported Hops.
Most overrated beer | Community - BeerAdvocate
When we were underage 17 years old , Lowenbrau, st pauli, moosehead molson, and becks dark were extremely good. Now cant touch any of them. We even drank Schlitz and miller ponis. Best beer back in the 70,s was Michelob, couldnt get enough.
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